Roll Call

Below is a list of the key players in SAS. It’s by no means exhaustive and we would like to shout out to the hard working crew who didn’t get their photo on this page. We couldn’t do it without you.


Martin Williams
Managing Director

Site & Stage Professional Stagers & Riggers UK Plymouth London Bristol Europe

Dan Wilson
Operations Director

Photo 01-07-2021, 11 50 17

Brigida Matos Williams
Finance Manager


Katy Wilson
Operations Manager

Photo 31-01-2021, 19 37 21

Joana Pinto
Marketing Manager


Kate Barnes
General Manager

Site & Stage Professional Stagers & Riggers UK Plymouth London Bristol Europe

Chris Leach
Senior Crew Boss

Site & Stage Professional Stagers & Riggers UK Plymouth London Bristol Europe

Jay Cox
Senior Crew Boss

Site & Stage Professional Stagers & Riggers UK Plymouth London Bristol Europe

Sam Morrissey
Senior Crew Boss

Site & Stage Professional Stagers & Riggers UK Plymouth London Bristol Europe

Kristan Cowan
Senior Crew Boss


Martin Hamer
Crew Boss

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Ian Beattie
Crew Boss

...leave no one behind!

The Site and Stage office is open Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 18:00pm. For out of office enquiries please call: 0207 205 2434.